
De bonnes notes pour Anne-France Goldwater

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Agnès Wojciechowicz

2011-09-27 11:15:00

Déjà quatre diffusions pour ''L'Arbitre'', l'émission dans laquelle Anne-France Goldwater tranche des litiges. Et pour les professionnels des médias, l'avocate ne s'en sort pas si mal!

L'arbitre Me Goldwater s'en sort très bien
L'arbitre Me Goldwater s'en sort très bien
Au nombre de ceux qui considèrent que Me Goldwater s'en tire plutôt bien, on compte Hugo Dumas de La Presse.

Le chroniqueur du quotidien a estimé samedi dans son billet, que l'avocate "s'en sort très bien" et gardait "un contrôle quasi militaire sur sa salle d'audience".

Faisant un résumé rapide de la première émission, le journaliste a qualifié Anne-France Goldwater, de "solide, juste, redoutable et même souriante", voyant dans sa prestation "beaucoup de potentiel".

Sur le plan linguistique, l'avocate s'en est très bien sortie, "malgré quelques petites fautes ici et là", a relevé le journaliste.

Et vous, qu'en pensez-vous ? Avez-vous été convaincu par ''L'Arbitre''?


19 commentaires

  1. DSG
    Avez-vous été convaincu par L'Arbitre?
    I have 200+ channels, including HBO. Why would I watch this?

  2. étudiante
    il y a 12 ans
    Je ne suis pas fan de Me Goldwater.. surtout après le fameux article paru dans La Presse il y a quelques semaines... avouer des ébats dans le palais de justice, quelle image de l'avocature et certainement est-ce que cela ne déconsidère pas l'administration de la justice? En tout cas en tant que femme et futur juriste, je ne suis pas impressionée.

  3. Femme
    Pourriez-vous m'expliquer pourquoi Me Goldwater soulève tant de mépris au sein de la communauté de juristes?

    Note pour les futurs juristes:
    Si vous souhaitez poursuivre votre carrière dans ce domaine, je vous conseille d'améliorer la qualité de votre français écrit.

    Un document légal rédigé dans un français approximatif n'est pas acceptable dans ce domaine.

    Vous vous ferez juger sévèrement par vos pairs ainsi que par vos clients.

    • étudiante
      il y a 12 ans
      Re : Avocate
      > Note pour les futurs juristes:
      > Si vous souhaitez poursuivre votre carrière dans ce domaine, je vous conseille d'améliorer la qualité de votre français écrit.
      > Un document légal rédigé dans un français approximatif n'est pas acceptable dans ce domaine.
      > Vous vous ferez juger sévèrement par vos pairs ainsi que par vos clients.

      -- Merci pour votre commentaire. Si vous pensez que j'écris mal, attendez de voir celle de la génération à venir. PS: pour avoir travaillée dans le domaine du recrutement, je peux vous dire que mes aînés ne sont pas mieux.

  4. Avocat
    il y a 12 ans
    "Un document légal rédigé dans un français approximatif n'est pas acceptable dans ce domaine."

    On dit "juridique". "Légal" dans ce contexte précis est un horrible calque de l'anglais. En français, cet adjectif se limite à ce qui tient de la loi et n'inclut pas ce qui est juridique ou judiciaire.

  5. Anne-France Goldwater
    Anne-France Goldwater
    il y a 12 ans
    Me, too, I would love to know why there are such negative reactions about me!

    Lord knows, I neither seek nor need your approval, «Étudiante», and it is arrogant as hell for you to comment about my life when you are still a kid who has yet to prove your worth.

    Moreover, when La Petrowski did that interview, it was about ''my life'', and if my antics as a kid were more entertaining than yours, well, that's great for me, not so much for you.

    And Femme: Do tell me what it is you think that elicits these reactions? I am curious, and if anything, I would have thought La Petrowski's article would at least have communicated to the peeps that I am without artifice.

    • DSG
      Re : Avocate
      > Me, too, I would love to know why there are such negative reactions about me!
      > Lord knows, I neither seek nor need your approval, «Étudiante», and it is arrogant as hell for you to comment about my life when you are still a kid who has yet to prove your worth.
      > Moreover, when La Petrowski did that interview, it was about ''my life'', and if my antics as a kid were more entertaining than yours, well, that's great for me, not so much for you.
      > And Femme: Do tell me what it is you think that elicits these reactions? I am curious, and if anything, I would have thought La Petrowski's article would at least have communicated to the peeps that I am without artifice.

      I can't speak for others, but as a man I took offence to some of the comments you made in the media. So you should be able to tolerate a bit of criticism, especially since you sought public attention. As for me, rest assured that I won't be "using my left hand" if see you on tv.

    • Anonyme
      il y a 12 ans
      Re : Avocate
      I believe that if you take the time the reply to a random commentary published on droit-inc then that must be because you are seeking approval.

    • Anne-France Goldwater
      Anne-France Goldwater
      il y a 12 ans
      Re : Re : Avocate
      > I believe that if you take the time the reply to a random commentary published on droit-inc then that must be because you are seeking approval.

      Too cute!! Actually, my reply was to "Femme" who put the question quite candidly, and I am interested in the answer.

    • Anne-France Goldwater
      Anne-France Goldwater
      il y a 12 ans
      Re : Re : Avocate
      I can't speak for others, but as a man I took offence to some of the comments you made in the media. So you should be able to tolerate a bit of criticism, especially since you sought public attention. As for me, rest assured that I won't be "using my left hand" if see you on tv.

      Presumably, my dear heart, your use of your left hand or other limb should depend more on what your spouse/partner provides you as entertainment.

      In all seriousness, it was certainly not my intention to diss all men, just those who economically exploit their partners and rejoice at the lack of legal protection in the province of Quebec. So, it's not a matter of being anti-guy, but anti-exploitation. Heck, I have a few cases where, in all fairness, it is the woman who is the exploitative partner (because of a greater fortune, and hence power). It's just not that common in society for women to be in the position of being "the bad guy."

    • O.
      Re : Re : Re : Avocate
      > In all seriousness, it was certainly not my intention to diss all men, just those who economically exploit their partners and rejoice at the lack of legal protection in the province of Quebec. So, it's not a matter of being anti-guy, but anti-exploitation. Heck, I have a few cases where, in all fairness, it is the woman who is the exploitative partner (because of a greater fortune, and hence power). It's just not that common in society for women to be in the position of being "the bad guy."

      Heureusement que votre ''combat'' est uniquement anti-exploitation, Me Goldwater. Effectivement, si l'on se fie aux statistiques actuelles quant au pourcentage de femmes inscrites à l'Université, ce n'est qu'une question de temps avant que les rôles ne s'inversent...

    • DSG
      Re : Re : Re : Avocate
      > In all seriousness, it was certainly not my intention to diss all men, just those who economically exploit their partners and rejoice at the lack of legal protection in the province of Quebec. So, it's not a matter of being anti-guy, but anti-exploitation. Heck, I have a few cases where, in all fairness, it is the woman who is the exploitative partner (because of a greater fortune, and hence power). It's just not that common in society for women to be in the position of being "the bad guy."

      You are the one who made it a man vs woman issue. Before you decided take it upon yourself to be the voice of exploited, I was in complete support of your efforts. You should have kept the issue to this one particular situation, which consisted of a man who is so cheap and so vindictive that he would throw away his money into space rather than throw a bone to the mother of his kids. Had you done so, you would have been the most beloved person in Quebec.

      In any case, I wouldn't care too much about the criticisms of other lawyers. Many of it is sheer jealousy. You managed to invalidate a long standing tenet of Civil law. How many lawyers can say that?

    • étudiante
      il y a 12 ans
      Re : Avocate
      Thank you for your comment. However, why did you assume that I was a kid? Pretty presumptuous for a lawyer.
      And, just like everyone else in this country, I am entitled to my freedom of opinion and expression.

  6. GBS
    >pourquoi Me Goldwater soulève tant de mépris au sein de la communauté de juristes?

    >Me, too, I would love to know why there are such negative reactions about me.

    You are arrogant. This reinforces a stereotype of lawyers that most of us try to shed.

    Your TV persona just reinforces that trait.

    Americans would be much more forgiving, because they have less qualms about adoring successful people that show no humility. For them, arrogance is ok if you can back it up with some perceived success.

    For Quebecers, it's another matter altogether.

    Your honesty, candeur, and the fact you are "without artifice" has no bearing on your major flaw.

    That being said, many women will approve of your arrogance, not because it is something they find agreeable, but because it is a trait that is predominently male.

    Whatever the case, as L'Arbitre, your goal is now to be entertaining, and this arrogance of yours that is a major flaw for a lawyer, might be a boon for the show.

    Finally, famous people will always attract snide, deserved or not. You have to assume you are now famous.

    • Anne-France Goldwater
      Anne-France Goldwater
      il y a 12 ans
      Re : GBS
      Well, I asked the question, so there's an answer.

      Funny, I find the biggest challenge in my practice is teaching people - mostly women, but occasionally men - how to affirm themselves.

      So where you may perceive me to be arrogant, I perceive many people not to be affirmative enough (to use a less loaded word).

      I have to say, from my 30 years as an attorney, that behaviour admired in male lawyers is not necessarily accepted in female lawyers, who are expected to be more submissive.

      Heck, you acknowledge this yourself: arrogance is associated with an admirable, but male, personality trait. Not so much with women.

      A little not-so-subtle sexism, perhaps?

    • GBS
      Re : Re : GBS
      > So where you may perceive me to be arrogant, I perceive many people not to be affirmative enough (to use a less loaded word).

      You can be affirmative without a hint of arrogance. Arrogance is all about the way you do and say things, and has very little to do about your actual acts and comments.

      Without even personally commenting on your behavior, I can nonetheless sense that it is your attitude that irks some people.

      > Heck, you acknowledge this yourself: arrogance is associated with an admirable, but male, personality trait. Not so much with women.
      > A little not-so-subtle sexism, perhaps?

      I never said "admirable".

      I do not admire arrogance ever, be it from men or women. I think it is a flaw. Not a huge one, but still.

      I simply stated it might be more apparent when women have it, since it is more of a male flaw.

      In the end, I would qualify your arrogance as a minor flaw, almost irrelevant. It's not like you need an intervention or anything like that. But it can explain why people will make unwarranted comments on anything that pertains to you.

      That's my theory anyhoo.

      La rançon de la gloire.

  7. Homme
    Pour avoir regardé l'émission, je trouve que les sujets ne sont pas toujours clairs, les questions posées par l'arbitre sont souvent non pertinentes dans le seul but de faire un show, les jugements sont non motivés et franchement, la décision est plus souvent qu'autrement surprenante. Je ne sais pas qui est l'équipe de juristes derrière l'émission, mais en discussion au lunch le lundemain, mes collègues et moi-même, tous avocat, n'aurions pas rendu la même décision.

    Pour vivre une vraie cour en direct, avec des arguments sensés intellectuellement, je vous invite à plutôt regarder Toute la vérité le lundi à TVA.

    • avocate
      il y a 12 ans
      Re : Arbitre
      Je vous rejoins entièrement! L'idée est intéressante, mais on s'ennuie du juge Hodge! Pourquoi ne pas présenter la réalité judiciaire québécoise plutôt que d'avoir un "greffier" portant un uniforme ressemblant à un policier américain, "une salle d'audience" alors que Madame est avocate, présenter des causes de 7000$ et moins pour ressembler aux petites créances, etc... Les gens connaissent si peu le système qu'ils n'ont pas besoin de désinformation du genre. L'émission de fiction de TVA est effectivement plus réaliste!

  8. Me
    L'agent de sécurité constipé qui se prend trop au sérieux est effectivement pathétique. S'il y a une chose qu'il ne fallait pas copier c'est bien celle-là.


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