Maître Corbeau et Delegatus, c’est fini

Natacha Mignon
2010-08-31 08:30:00
« J’ai passé d’excellentes années avec Delegatus », affirme Paul Martin, qui avait rejoint la firme en 2008.
La décision de prendre de la distance s’explique en réalité par l’actuel modèle de développement privilégié par Delegatus.
« La firme vise une clientèle d’entreprises, alors que la mienne est plutôt composée de cabinets d’avocats pour lesquels j’interviens comme avocat-conseil en droit de la concurrence.Il fallait en tirer les conséquences. »
Des chemins qui divergent mais ne se séparent pas complètement, puisque Me Martin continuera à apporter son aide stratégique sur des dossiers dans son domaine d’expertise.
il y a 14 ansHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! C'est la fin de Delegatus...
il y a 14 ansFor once this guy is funny, making it sound as though firms actually need his services. Good one!
Ont Esq
il y a 14 ansSourpuss strikes again! First of all, DSG, if your "jokes" on this site are any indication, it's no wonder you don't get his humour. And I, for one, much prefer his to yours. At least, his jokes are intelligent. Second, his CV, experience and accomplishments are impressive and no doubt way better and way ahead of yours. Envy will get you nowhere, PeeWee.
I wish him best of luck. And I wish you would shut up if you have nothing intelligent and/or positive to say.
il y a 14 ans> Sourpuss strikes again! First of all, DSG, if your "jokes" on this site are any indication, it's no wonder you don't get his humour. And I, for one, much prefer his to yours. At least, his jokes are intelligent. Second, his CV, experience and accomplishments are impressive and no doubt way better and way ahead of yours. Envy will get you nowhere, PeeWee.
> I wish him best of luck. And I wish you would shut up if you have nothing intelligent and/or positive to say.
Thanks for the good wishes and best of luck to you too.